Sunday, May 18, 2008

Catching Up...

So much has happened since my last post...

I am six months old now, as of last Tuesday...

I can sit up all by myself, I can make all kinds of motor noises, I am eating baby food and teething biscuits and crackers, and I have two little teeth!

I love to laugh, and I love to make people laugh.

My favorite time of the day is bath time, because my Mommy and Daddy let me splash in the tub as much as I want.
Mommy and Daddy took me to see Grandma and Granddaddy Johnson, and Grandpa Dan last weekend. It took a long time to get there, but It was fun.
I also got to meet my new cousin Rebecca Faith. She's four weeks than me. (She's so sweet!)
Well, Goodbye for now...
Check back later, and maybe Dad will post one of my youtube videos...
Thanks - Caleb

Monday, December 10, 2007

Wet and Wild Week...

My Dad was supposed to be helping me with this "Blog" thingy (my arms are too short to reach the keyboard...) but he's been slacking lately.
So Today, I fussed all day long until he promised to post some new photos for me.
This is me, chillin' in Mommy's chair.
My Mom likes to take a picture of me every Tuesday next to this big stuffed dog, so that later she can look at them and see how much I grow every week. (She thinks I'm a Science Project...)

This past Tuesday, Sydney waited until we were done taking pictures of me, and then he jumped up on the couch with the stuffed dog, and wouldn't move until Daddy took pictures of him too. It has been hard for Sydney to adjust since I came along. (He was the baby for nine years...) But he's doing fine.
He's a good boy!

On Saturday, Mom and Dad took me into the pool for the first time. (That was different.)
I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not.
I couldn't figure out why Mommy would wet my diaper on purpose like that.
But she enjoyed it, and so did Daddy.

After a while, they put me in my little bath tub, which also makes a pretty good baby boat.
I floated around for a while, and then I let Mommy know that it was time to take me out of the pool and feed me.

Aunt Daphne called tonight, and told us that I already have a new cousin!
Aunt Wendy and Uncle Dwayne had baby number four today, a 9 lb 1 & 1/2 oz girl named Rebecca Faith (I hope Daddy spelled "Rebecca" right...)
We can't wait to see her!
They still live in North Carolina, so it may be a while.

Well, that's about all the news for this week...
Tomorrow night we will have new "Weekly Dog" pictures, so check back soon!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Day In The Life...

Sometimes it's hard being a baby...

I woke up before Mom and Dad this morning, and it took them a few minutes to come and see about me. (Mom was up with me at about 3:30am, so she was tired.)

Dad came and changed my diaper, but I dirtied it again before he could pick me up and he had to change it again.

Then we went into the Living Room, and Dad fed me all the milk that Mom had in the Refrigerator, and mixed up a bottle of formula and topped me off with that.

Formula is okay, I guess, but it makes me burp a lot more than the stuff that Mommy makes...

Then (just for fun) I fixed another diaper for Dad to change, (the third one in about 45 minutes), and we watched music videos until I went to sleep.

Later this afternoon I sat in my swing and watched the doggy for a while, and tonight I got a bath (which I HATED...)

I'm only 26 days old today, (seems like a lifetime to me...) but I have already begun to outgrow my pajamas. After my bath, Mommy had to use the next size up from the ones I wore last night because when I straighten all the way out, I pull the old ones tight on my shoulders. (If this keeps up, I'm going to be HUGE!)

Tonight, my Dad set me up with an Email address, and this Blog. He says that we can post news and pictures of me so that Grandma and Granddaddy, and my aunts, uncles, and cousins can keep up with me as I grow, even though they might live far away.

If you would like to know my Email, leave a comment, and my Dad will send it to you.

I take up a lot of my parents' time, but they love me very much, so I guess life isn't too bad. There always seems to be enough milk and formula, diapers and clothes and such.

My Dad is going to post a new photo of me every week, so everyone can see how I grow and change, and keep up with what I am interested in.

So check back in a day or two!


Test test test, test test test test.